What We Do

In the field of law, there are attorneys who still consider themselves “general practitioners” – those that handle all matters, regardless of type. Traveling north of the New York City metro area, the possibility of finding a general practitioner grows. Practicing since 2005, it became apparent that no one attorney can truly handle all types of legal matters. Law practice is dynamic. Getting good at anything takes focus. Therefore, we focus on certain fields that are related:

ReaL Estate

Residential. We help people buy and sell residential real estate. Single-, two- and three-family buildings generally fall within this category.

Commercial. Four-family and larger apartment buildings, mixed-used property and commercially-zoned property of all types falls within this category.


Revocable (“Living”) Trusts. Often used for “probate avoidance,” we generate revocable documents that keep the control in your hands. Want to add or subtract assets? You can. Interested in making a change With the stroke of a pen. Don’t want to give up control? This kind of trust is most likely for you.

Elder Law & Medicaid Trusts. Irrevocable trusts have various purposes. For us, the typical irrevocable trust is used for Medicaid planning. Permanent decisions comprise this document. Clients creating the trusts usually forego continued control over, and rights to the assets; the intention to preserve assets often outweighs the need to control.

Supplemental Needs Trusts. Life’s uncertain. In other cases, it’s certain that life will involve obstacles. Clients looking to set aside funds for a family-member or friend with needs use third-party Supplemental Needs Trusts (SNTs). An individual eligible to receive assistance create 3 self-settled (and sometimes court-ordered) SNT.


Everyone should have a Will (also termed 3 “Last Will and Testament, unless s/he is comfortable relying on the state law. That state law, however, may divvy things up differently than expected.

For example, in New York, a spouse that dies leaving behind a husband or wife, and children, leaves the first 350,000 of assets to the spouse, plus 1/2 of the balance of assets. The kids share the other half equally.

Our Will-based planning can be as simple or complex as necessary. Tackling whatever you present to us, at the time of the planning, we aim to create 3 document with flexibility at a reasonable cost.

Within your will we often insert a trust. A Will can create 3 trust. Trusts can’t create Wills. Why would you need to include a trust provision in your Will? Tax purposes. Medicaid planning. Supplemental needs – known or unknown. The beneficiary’s age. Or, because you wish to keep you assets within the bloodline.

Estates (Probate & Administrative)

Losing a loved-one, whether friend or family, is never easy. Even though the trend is to move towards “probate avoidance,” and keep the family matters out of court, court is sometimes necessary. When it is, we’re here to help.

Business (Form, Organize, Manage, Buy & Sell)

Before you go into business, you need to know what type of entity you’ll use, if you use one at all. Or, if you’re already in business, you may need to change, add on or remove a Layer of your business.

Here, we advise you on your options. We address ownership, liability, succession, and many other facets of business. We also recommend that you consult your accountant, if you have one, to ensure our legal work aligns with your tax needs.

In short, if you need a business formed. Or advice about current operations, we’re ready to help. It takes a team to keep the clients satisfied, and matters moving forward.